What is Microfeedback and Why it Matters to Your User Experience

What is microfeedback? More importantly, why does it matter to your user experience? Well, to understand microfeedback, you first have to know a little bit more about user experience and how experiences are measured.

In user experience, we talk a lot about the importance of talking to users and customers in the beginning of the product development process. This helps us with market research and customer discovery where we begin to develop a deep understanding of who the user or customer will be.

Without this knowledge, it is impossible to create a successful product. You must understand your target market’s problem and how your product will provide a solution.

So let’s say you’ve done that, you’ve gone through the whole product development process, and then you’ve launched. Now what?

Click here to get my free guide: Introduction To Microfeedback

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Customer Experience & Why I Decided To Sign Up For Oscar Health Insurance

I grew up in Canada and trying to figure out the American health insurance system is something that’s been a huge challenge for me.

I remember getting my first “real” job at a big Fortune 500 software company and being emailed a ton of forms to fill out for health insurance. I had no idea what any of it meant. Unfortunately, there wasn’t really anyone who could guide me through the process.

No one in the human resources department wanted to be advise me because of that delicate line between “advising” and “choosing”. It was so very frustrating for me as I felt totally blind. If someone had asked me what my plan deductible was or what my yearly out of pocket maximum was, I would have been clueless.

It wasn’t because I didn’t have the brains to figure it out. It was because the process was so broken and the information was so inaccessible that I just gave up out of impatience and total frustration. Each plan had it’s own brochure or PDF with tiny fonts and crazy charts and tables filled with insurance and legal jargon.Continue reading