Welcome, I’m excited to hear from you!
Career Questions
Can I pick your brain about my UX career?
While I love to help, I’m currently unable to answer everyone who asks me for advice! For help with your UX career, check out these articles from my Career Strategy Lab.
Can you give me any advice about getting started in UX?
Yes! If you want to hear how I got started in UX and get some tips for your own career path, then start with this blog post.
Can you be my UX mentor?
Thanks for asking! I’m not currently offering one-on-one mentoring for designers. The best way to work with me is to explore joining Career Strategy Lab, learn more here.
Consulting Questions
Are you booking new UX consulting clients?
Yes! Please have a look at the services I offer and reach out to me. I’m excited to hear what you’re up to and I’ll be in touch after I review your request.
Can you give me some advice about my startup or product?
I love building products. If you’re looking for thoughtful and actionable feedback, you can hire me for a UX Audit or learn about my other services.
Can I pick your brain about my startup idea or product?
I’m happy to give you feedback about your idea or product if you hire me for a UX Audit, user research project, or custom consulting project. You can learn more about my services here.
Speaking & Interview Questions
Can I submit a guest post for your blog?
At this time, I’m not accepting guest posts.
Will you be a guest on my podcast?
I do get a lot of requests for podcast interviews, but I do consider all the invitations. Use the form below and select the podcast option.
How much will it cost for you to speak at my event?
Each event is different, because of this I customize my fee for each event. Some of the factors that affect price include: whether it’s a talk or a workshop, how long your conference is, and more.